
Next js + React component library


In this project we work on splitting a monolithic Rails app into 3 (2 new software pieces), a web app built in next js that would store all…

Machine learning vectors

Machine LearningData engineerJava 8GuiceElastic SearchGoogle big tableMicroservices

Purely backend project built using Java 8, Spark Java, Guice, Elastic search, and Google big table, on a microservices ecosystem.The main…

Anomaly detection system

Anomaly detectionSpark JavaJava 8GuiceMySqlMicroservices

Monitor millions of payments a day trying to find anomalous and fraudulent trends (attacks). It was built using Java 8, Spark Java, Guice…

Chargebacks administration

Chargebacks administrationGroovyGrailsAngularMicroservices

Project built with Grails and Angular, to automate and manage chargebacks on a well-known payment platform in Latin America.



Code generation platform to make programs easier to build, with no programming skills required.